Embrace Your Wild Nature

Reclaim Your Joy

At ReWilding: Lab, we help you reclaim your joy and foster wellness by expanding imaginations.

We do this by using the power of storytelling and the arts to restore inner landscapes – wild landscapes – landscapes that are disappearing in tandem with natural landscapes. Through restoring relationships with the natural world we are redefining what being well, happy, and healthy really means, for ourselves and the planet.

To "rewild" is to reconnect to the wild within us — to see ourselves not as separate from nature but as a part of nature. At ReWilding: Lab, we invite you on a journey of self-discovery, transformation, and celebration of the wild within and around us.

Inaugral Workshop

Discover the untamed facets of your psyche and reconnect with the natural world through our 'Find Your Wild' workshop. This immersive experience will take you on a transformative journey of personal growth and self-discovery. With storytelling, forest bathing, nature meditation, and a guided vision quest, you will immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and explore your wild side like never before. Get ready to embark on a life-changing adventure that will help you find inner peace and connect with the world around you. Want to learn more about this unforgettable experience? Join us.


  • "So to follow a wild mythology involves a lot of listening, a stilling, to get connected to this ancient form of calling. It is a love story really."

    Martin Shaw

Sunset Arkansas River